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日期:2011-01-17 | 閱讀:
下面是摘自《中華人民共和國(guó)合同法》合同英文翻譯的目錄: 總  則 General Provisions

總  則                 General Provisions
第一章 一般規(guī)定         Chapter One: General Provisions
第二章 合同的訂立       Chapter Two: Formation of Contracts第三章 合同的效力       Chapter Three: Validity of Contracts
第四章 合同的履行        Chapter Four: Performance of Contracts第五章 合同的變更和轉(zhuǎn)讓 Chapter Five: Amendment and Assignment of Contracts第六章 合同的權(quán)利義務(wù)終止 Chapter Six: Discharge of Contractual Rights and Obligations第七章 違約責(zé)任           Chapter Seven: Liabilities for Breach of Contracts第八章 其他規(guī)定         Chapter Eight: Other Provisions
分  則                Specific Provisions
第九章 買(mǎi)賣(mài)合同            Chapter Nine: Sales Contracts第十章 供用電、水、氣、熱力合同Chapter Ten: Contracts for Supply of Power, Water, Gas , Or Heat第十一章 贈(zèng)與合同   Chapter Eleven: Gift Contracts第十二章 借款合同  Chapter Twelve: Contracts for Loan of Money第十三章 租賃合同  Chapter Thirteen: Leasing Contracts第十四章 融資租賃合同  Chapter Fourteen: Financial Leasing Contracts第十五章 承攬合同    Chapter Fifteen: Contracts of Hired Works第十六章 建設(shè)工程合同 Chapter Sixteen: Contracts for Construction Projects第十七章 運(yùn)輸合同  Chapter Seventeen: Carriage Contracts第十八章 技術(shù)合同 Chapter Eighteen: Technology Contracts第十九章 保管合同 Chapter Nineteen: Safekeeping Contracts第二十章 倉(cāng)儲(chǔ)合同 Chapter Twenty: Warehousing Contracts第二十一章 委托合同 Chapter Twenty One: Agency Appointment Contracts第二十二章 行紀(jì)合同 Chapter Twenty Two: Contracts for Brokerage
第二十三章 居間合同 Chapter Twenty Three: Contracts for Intermediation
附  則           Supplementary Provisions

制定(法律)  Formulate
合同當(dāng)事人 Contract parties
適用 Apply
把意志強(qiáng)加給某人impose will on somebody
訂立合同to enter into a contract
遵循公平原則 abide by the principle of fairness
行使權(quán)利 exercise rights
履行義務(wù)perform obligations
委托代理人appoint an agent
合同形式Forms of Contract
條款 clauses
標(biāo)的 subject matter/contract object
價(jià)款或者報(bào)酬price or remuneration
履行期限、地點(diǎn)和方式time limit, place and method of performance
違約責(zé)任liability for breach of contract
解決爭(zhēng)議的方法method of dispute resolution
參照 by reference to
要約 offer
要約人 offeror
受要人 offeree
視為 be deemed as
撤回 withdraw
撤銷(xiāo) revoke
善意相對(duì)人  bona fide counterpart
行為人 actor
被代理人 principal
強(qiáng)制性規(guī)定 compulsory provisions
免責(zé)條款 immunity clauses 
人身傷害 personal injury
變更 modify (n. modification) 
撤消  revoke (n. revocation) cancel (n. cancellation)
消滅 extinguish 
放棄權(quán)力 renounce/waive the right
法律約束力 legally binding force
效力  validity
折價(jià)補(bǔ)償 be reimbursed at its estimated price
按照約定  according to the terms of the contract
或者約定不明確的  or such agreement is unclear
債權(quán)人  obligee/creditor
債務(wù)人  obligor/debtor
承擔(dān)費(fèi)用 bear expenses/assume cost
標(biāo)的物  object 或 subject matter
第三方 the third party/person
中止履行  suspend performance
確切證據(jù) conclusive evidence
將標(biāo)的物提存 place the subject matter in escrow   或  have the object deposited
怠于行使  indolent in exercising
代位 subrogation
請(qǐng)求 petition/request
受讓人 transferee/assignee
讓與人 transferor/assignor
但有下列情形之一的除外 except for the following circumstances
抗辯 claim demur
承擔(dān)連帶責(zé)任assume obligations jointly and severally
終止 terminate/discharge
債務(wù)相互抵銷(xiāo) the debts have been offset against each other
不可抗拒力  force majeure
免除 release/exempt 
交易習(xí)慣  transaction practices
解除 rescind (n. rescission)
規(guī)定 stipulate (n. stipulation)
補(bǔ)救措施 remedial measures
受領(lǐng)take delivery of  or  accept
孳息  fruits
《中華人民共和國(guó)消費(fèi)者權(quán)益保護(hù)法》Law of the People’s Republic of China on Protection of Consumer Rights
仲裁機(jī)構(gòu) arbitration institution
違約金 liquidated damages/damages for breach of contract
定金 deposit
不能免除責(zé)任 insurmountable 
受損害方the aggrieved party
侵害 infringe upon
重大過(guò)失  gross fault/negligence
借款人 borrower
貸款人 lender
到期 at the prescribed time    or   when it becomes due
本金  principal
逾期利息 delayed repayment interest  or  overdue interest
可以展期 may be extended
出租人 lessor
不定期租賃non-term lease  or   unfixed lease
租賃物 leased property
承攬人/承包人 contractor/hiree
定作人 ordering party/hirer 發(fā)包人 contract letting party/developer 
約定的 prescribed/ordered
承運(yùn)人 carrier
托運(yùn)人 shipper/consignor
收貨人 consignee
委托人 commissioning party
委托人和受托人the principal(trustor)and the agent
特別委托specifically appoint/entrust
委托事務(wù)entrusted affair/matter
以....... 的名義   in one’s name
居間人 intermediator
委托人 principal/client
媒介服務(wù) intermediate/intermediary service
廢止 repeal/invalidate
購(gòu)貨合同 purchase contract   
銷(xiāo)售合同 sales contract 購(gòu)貨確認(rèn)書(shū) purchase confirmation銷(xiāo)售確認(rèn)書(shū) sales confirmation      一般交易條件 general terms and conditions以未售出為準(zhǔn) subject to prior sale 需經(jīng)賣(mài)方確認(rèn) subject to seller’s confirmation 
有效期限 time of validity  
合同,訂立合同 contract
訂約人,承包人contractor合同的,契約的 contractual
簽訂合同 to make a contract
訂合同to place a contract簽合同to sign a contract 擬訂合同 to draw up a contract
起草合同to draft a contract 得到合同 to get a contract
得到(擁有)合同 to land a contract
會(huì)簽合同 to countersign a contract
重復(fù)合同to repeat a contract尚待執(zhí)行的合同 an executory contract
一個(gè)很有利的合同 a nice fat contract
合同正本originals of the contract合同副本copies of the contract 書(shū)面合同a written contract 做某些讓步 to make some concession
及時(shí)in due time
按照 subject to
