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日期:2010-07-29 | 閱讀:
電梯翻譯專(zhuān)業(yè)英語(yǔ)詞匯 abbreviation 縮語(yǔ) abnormal 不正常的,反常的 abnormality monitoring 異常監(jiān)聽(tīng) abrasion 磨損 abrasion resistant 耐磨性 abrasive cloth 砂布 absorb 吸收 absorber 減振器 AC drive 交流拖動(dòng)

abbreviation 縮語(yǔ) 
abnormal "不正常的,反常的" 
abnormality monitoring 異常監(jiān)聽(tīng) 
abrasion 磨損 
abrasion resistant 耐磨性 
abrasive cloth 砂布 
absorb 吸收 
absorber 減振器 
AC drive 交流拖動(dòng) 
AC feedback control 交流反饋控制 
AC motor 交流電機(jī) 
AC servo 交流伺服 
AC servo motor 交流伺服電機(jī) 
AC single speed 交流單速 
AC two speed 交流雙速 
AC two speed motor 交流雙速電動(dòng)機(jī) 
AC variale speed 交流調(diào)速 
AC(alternating current) 交流電 
acanning cycle 掃描周期,掃描循環(huán) 
acceleration control system 加速度控制系統(tǒng) 
acceleration(accel)rate 加速器 
accelerator 加速器 
acceptance of lift 電梯驗(yàn)收 
acceptance period 驗(yàn)收階段 
acceptance test 驗(yàn)收試驗(yàn) 
acceptanec certificate 驗(yàn)收證書(shū) 
access door 檢修門(mén) 
access forbidden 禁止入內(nèi) 
access lift 通道電梯 
access security 通道防衛(wèi) 
access switch "通道開(kāi)關(guān),維修用開(kāi)關(guān)" 
access way 進(jìn)出通道 
accessibility "可通達(dá)性,接近的,難易程度" 
accessible 允許進(jìn)入 
accessible space 允許進(jìn)入的場(chǎng)地 
accessory "配件,附件" 
accident 事故 
accident insurance 事故保險(xiǎn) 
accident prevention 事故預(yù)防 
accidental contact 觸電 
accidental operation 誤操作 
accordion door 折疊門(mén) 
accumulation 累積 
accumulator 蓄電池 
AC-GL machine 交流無(wú)齒曳引機(jī) 
acoustic "聽(tīng)覺(jué)的,聲音的" 
acrew die 板牙 
activate "啟動(dòng),觸發(fā)" 
active mode 主動(dòng)模式 
actual condition "實(shí)際狀況,實(shí)際條件" 
actual load 實(shí)際載荷 
actual state 實(shí)際狀況 
actual value 實(shí)際值 
actuate "開(kāi)動(dòng),操作,激勵(lì)" 
actuating linkege 操作連桿 
actuating magnet 操作磁鐵 
actuation time 動(dòng)作時(shí)間 
actuator "操縱機(jī)構(gòu),激勵(lì)器,螺線管" 
actuator bracket 調(diào)節(jié)器支架
advanced "提前的,先進(jìn)的" 
advanced carriage 超前拖板(選層器) 
advancing position reference value 超前位置參考值 
aerial cableway "空中纜車(chē),架空索道" 
aerial ropeway "空中纜車(chē),架空索道" 
aerial tramway "空中纜車(chē),架空索道" 
aesthetic 美觀 
after sales service 售后服務(wù) 
agency 代理 
agenda 議程 
air cord (門(mén)機(jī)用)航空鋼絲繩 
air purifier 空氣濾清劑 
air ventilator 通風(fēng)管 
air-bleed 空氣分泄器 
airborne noise 空氣傳播噪聲 
air-condition 空調(diào) 
air-gap 氣隙 
alarm 警報(bào) 
alarm bell 警鈴 
alarm button 警鈴按鈕 
alarm buzzer 警報(bào)蜂鳴器 
alarm circuit 警報(bào)電路 
alarm system 警報(bào)系統(tǒng)
ALC(autoclaved light-weight concrete) 蒸壓輕質(zhì)混凝土 
alcove arrangement 電梯U型排列法 
algorithm 算法規(guī)則系統(tǒng) 
align 校正 
aligning template 校正樣板 
alignment 校正 
alignment gauge 校正量規(guī) 
alkali 堿 
all-computer-controlled 計(jì)算機(jī)全控的 
allocation "分配,分派" 
allocation of landing call 層站呼梯指令分配 
allowance "允用誤差,加工余量" 
allowble stress for temporary load 允許暫時(shí)應(yīng)力值 
alloy 合金 
alloy steel 合金鋼 
alteration 改進(jìn) 
alternate floor 隔層 
alumina 氧化鋁 
aluminum 鋁 
aluminum alloy 鋁合金 
aluminum bronze 鋁青銅 
aluminum cladding 鋁制包層 
alumite 防蝕鋁 
alundum 氧化鋁 
ambient 環(huán)境的 
ambient noise 環(huán)境噪音 
ambient temperature 環(huán)境溫度 
ammeter 安培計(jì) 
ammonia 氨 
amperage 電流強(qiáng)度 
ampere 安培 
amplification 放大 
amplification stage 放大等級(jí) 
amplifier 放大器 
amplifying tube 放大管 
amplitude 幅度 
analog adder 模擬加法器 
analog computer 模擬計(jì)算機(jī) 
analog speed card 模擬曲線板 
analog-digital converter 模擬-數(shù)字轉(zhuǎn)換器 
analogue(analog) 模擬 
analysis 分析 
analysis mode 分析模擬 
anchor bolt 地腳螺栓 
anchorage "錨具,錨定" 
angle bar 角鋼 
angle guide 角鐵導(dǎo)軌 
angle iron 角鐵 
angle iron frame 角鐵框架 
angle of contact 接觸角 
angle of deflection 導(dǎo)向角 
angle of inclination 傾斜角 
angle of lead 導(dǎo)程角 
angle of traction 曳引機(jī)包角 
angle of wrap 包角 
angle steel 角鋼 
angular contact ball bearing 向心推力球軸承 
angular contact bearing 角面接觸滾動(dòng)軸承 
angular gear 斜齒輪 
angular retardationg 角減速度 
angular velocity 角速度 
anneal 退火 
annealing 退火 
annual inspection 年檢 
annual report 年度報(bào)告 
annunciator "報(bào)音器,聲音合成器" 
anode 陽(yáng)極 
anodize 氧極氧化 
ANSI(America Nationa Standard Instirute) 美國(guó)國(guó)家標(biāo)準(zhǔn)協(xié)會(huì) 
anti-clockwise 逆時(shí)鐘方向 
anti-corrosive paint 防腐蝕漆 
anti-creep 防蠕動(dòng) 
anti-friction bearing 抗摩擦軸承 
anti-nuisance 防干擾 
anti-nuisance device 防搗亂裝置 
anti-phase braking 反向制動(dòng) 
anti-phase current 反相電流 
anti-rebound of compensation rope device 補(bǔ)償繩防跳裝置 
anti-residual 防剩磁 
anti-resonance 抗諧振 
anti-reversion device 防反轉(zhuǎn)裝置 
anti-rust 防銹 
anti-stall 防空轉(zhuǎn) 
anti-vibralion pad 防震墊 
APM(automatic people mover) 自動(dòng)人員運(yùn)輸機(jī) 
apparen power 視在功率 
apparent output 視在輸出 
applicant 申請(qǐng)人
application 申請(qǐng) 
application guide 應(yīng)用指南 
aprons 裙板 
arbour "軸,桿" 
arc chamber 電弧隔離室 
arc protection 防電弧 
arc quenching 熄焊弧 
arc shield 電弧屏蔽 
arc suppressor 滅焊器 
architect 設(shè)計(jì)單位 
architecture 建筑學(xué) 
architrave 門(mén)框 
area 面積 
arm "臂,支路" 
armature 電驅(qū) 
armature coil 電驅(qū)線圈 
armature current 電驅(qū)電流 
armature lamination 電驅(qū)鐵芯片 
armature shaft 電驅(qū)軸 
armature spider 星形輪 
armature winding 電驅(qū)繞組 
armoured 蛇皮管的 
armoured cable 蛇皮管電纜 
armoured conduit 導(dǎo)線管 
arrangement 布置 
arrival bell 到站鈴 
arrival buzer 到站蜂鳴器 
arrival floor 到達(dá)樓層 
arrival gong 到站鐘 
arrival rate 到站率 
article of consumption 消耗品 
artificial intelligence 人工智能 
artistic 工藝 
artistic face 工藝表面 
asbestos packing 石棉盤(pán)根 
ascending 上升 
ASIC(application specific integrated circuit) 專(zhuān)用集成電路 
assemble 裝配 
assembler language 匯編語(yǔ)言 
assembly of hinge 鉸鏈組裝 
assign 分配 
astragal 裝飾鑲條 
atmospheric influence 大氣影響 
attachment 附件 
attendant control 有司機(jī)控制 
attendant control compartment 有司機(jī)控制盒 
attendant operation 有司機(jī)操作 
audible signal 音響信號(hào) 
audio tape recording 磁帶錄音 
authority "當(dāng)局,核準(zhǔn)部門(mén)" 
authority of lift acceptance 電梯驗(yàn)收部門(mén) 
authorized "授權(quán)的,核準(zhǔn)的" 
authorized user 核準(zhǔn)使用者 
auto-adaptation 自適用 
AutoCAD 自動(dòng)計(jì)算機(jī)輔助設(shè)計(jì) 
autographic recoder 自動(dòng)記錄儀 
automatic 自動(dòng)的 
automatic allocator 自動(dòng)分派器 
average waiting quest 平均乘客量 
average waiting time 平均乘客侯梯時(shí)間 
axial flow fan 軸流式風(fēng)扇 
axis 軸線 
axle 軸
babbit 巴氏合金 
babbit lined bearing 巴氏合金襯里軸承 
babbit melter 巴氏合金熔化器 
babbit metal 巴氏合金 
babbit rope socket 灌注式巴氏合金繩頭 
back current 反向電流 
back e.m.f 反電動(dòng)勢(shì) 
back lash 輪齒隙 
back plunger type 后部柱塞式(液壓梯) 
back side "后側(cè),后邊" 
back type governor 軸流式限速器 
back wall 后壁 
baked enamel 烤漆 
balace weight 平衡器 
balance 平衡 
balance chain 平衡鏈 
balance coefficient 平衡系數(shù) 
balanced traffic 平衡交通 
ball bearing 滾珠軸承 
ball cup 球形碗 
ball pin 球形硝 
ball stop valve 球形斷流器 
ball type bearing 滾珠軸承 
ballast 鎮(zhèn)流器 
balustrade deching 外側(cè)蓋板 
balustrade exterior panelling 外裝飾板 
balustrade lighting 扶手照明 
balustrade panel 扶手板 
balustrade skirting 扶手群板 
balustrades 扶手裝置 
bandsaw 帶鋸 
bank "銀行,群組,排" 
bar "條,棒" 
bar code 條形碼 
bar lock 桿式鎖 
bare wire 裸線 
barricade "防護(hù)墻,隔墻" 
barrier "隔板,柵欄" 
base "基座,基礎(chǔ)" 
base plate 基板 
basement 地下室 
basement service 底下室服務(wù) 
basement type 底吊式 
basic logic element 基礎(chǔ)邏輯元件 
basic logic function 基礎(chǔ)邏輯功能 
batch production 批量生產(chǎn) 
battery 電池 
battery- backed 電池支持的 
battery box 蓄電池箱 
battery charger 電池充電器 
baud rate 波特率 
BCD(binary coded decimal) 二進(jìn)制編碼的十進(jìn)制 
beam 梁 
beam pad 井道內(nèi)電纜保護(hù)墊片 
beam pulley 抗繩輪 
bearing 軸承 
bearing bracket 軸承支架 
bearing cap 軸承蓋 
bearing load 軸承負(fù)荷 
bearing plate 承重板 
bearing play 軸承間隙 
bearing sleeve 軸承襯套 
bearing stand 軸承座 
bed lift 病床電梯 
bed plate 底座 
bell 鈴 
belt 膠帶 
belt drive 膠帶傳動(dòng) 
belt grinder 膠帶磨床 
belt pulley 膠帶輪 
belt type moving walk 帶式自動(dòng)人行道 
bending 彎曲 
bending stress 彎曲應(yīng)力 
benzine 輕汽油 
bevel gear 傘(斜)齒輪 
beveled washer 斜墊圈 
BGM (background music) 背景音樂(lè) 
BGM speaker 背景音樂(lè)揚(yáng)聲器 
bias "偏置,偏移" 
bid "投標(biāo),報(bào)價(jià)" 
bid table 報(bào)價(jià)單 
bidder 投標(biāo) 
bidding cycle 投標(biāo)有效期限 
bidding procedure 投標(biāo)(報(bào)價(jià))程序 
bil of delivery 發(fā)貨單 
bil of lading 海運(yùn)提單 
bill of expenses 費(fèi)用帳單 
bill of materials 材料單 
billing 開(kāi)發(fā)票 
binary 二進(jìn)制 
binder 裝訂冊(cè) 
bi-parting 對(duì)開(kāi)式(上下開(kāi)啟) 
bi-parting door 垂直中分門(mén) 
bipartite light transistor 雙分式光電管 
bistable magnetic swich 雙穩(wěn)態(tài)磁開(kāi)關(guān) 
bistable switch 雙穩(wěn)態(tài)磁開(kāi)關(guān)
bitumen 瀝青 
blade "葉片,刀片,鋸片" 
blade connector 刀形連接器 
bleed-off circuit 泄放電路 
blind hoistway 盲(無(wú)門(mén))井道 
block chart 方框圖 
block diagram 方框圖線路 
block of flats 住宅樓區(qū) 
blocking of control circuit 控制電路閉鎖 
blower 鼓風(fēng)機(jī) 
blower coil 吹弧線圈 
blower motor 風(fēng)機(jī)電動(dòng)機(jī) 
blue print 藍(lán)圖 
boading floor 登梯樓層 
boading time 登梯時(shí)間 
boarding 登梯 
boarding landing 登梯層站 
boarding passenger 登梯乘客
boarding rate 登梯率 
boarding stop 登梯停站 
boarding zone 登梯區(qū)域 
bobbing 繞線管 
boldface type 粗字體 
bolt 螺桿 
booster 升壓機(jī) 
border condition 邊界條件 
bore hole "鉆孔,鏜孔" 
boring 鏜 
boring lathe 鏜床 
boring machine 鏜床 
boring miller 鏜銑床 
bottom 底部 
bottom car clearance 轎底安全高度間隙 
bottom car overtravel 底部轎廂越程 
bottom car runby 底部轎廂越程 
bottom clearances for car 轎底間隙 
bottom counterweight clearance 轎底對(duì)重間隙 
bottom counterweight overtravel 轎底對(duì)重越程 
bottom counterweight runby 轎底對(duì)重越程 
bottom door retainer 門(mén)下角 
bottom floor 底部樓層 
bottom runby 底部越程 
bottom slow down switch 底部減速開(kāi)關(guān) 
bottom stop 底部停戰(zhàn) 
bottom terminal floor 底部樓層 
bottom terminal landing 底部端站 
bottom terminal stop 底端停站 
box "盒,箱" 
box counterweight 箱式對(duì)重 
Braille 盲文字符 
brake 制動(dòng)器 
brake arm 制動(dòng)器臂 
brake contact 制動(dòng)器觸點(diǎn) 
brake coutact 制動(dòng)器聯(lián)軸器 
brake dish 制動(dòng)盤(pán) 
brake drum 制動(dòng)輪 
brake energy 制動(dòng)力 
brake level 制動(dòng)器杠桿 
brake lever 制動(dòng)器手柄 
brake lining 制動(dòng)器襯套 
brake linkage 制動(dòng)器連桿 
brake operater switch 制動(dòng)操縱開(kāi)關(guān) 
brake pin 制動(dòng)器悄 
brake press "折彎?rùn)C(jī),壓彎?rùn)C(jī)" 
brake pulley 制動(dòng)輪 
brake release lever 制動(dòng)器松閘手柄 
brake release magnet 制動(dòng)器送閘磁鐵 
brake release time 制動(dòng)器松閘時(shí)間
brake shoe 制動(dòng)靴 
brake spacing 制動(dòng)器間距 
brake spring 制動(dòng)彈簧 
brake tension 制動(dòng)器張緊力 
brake torque 制動(dòng)器力矩 
brake wrench 制動(dòng)器板手 
braking 制動(dòng) 
braking distance 制動(dòng)距離 
braking force 制動(dòng)力 
branch circuit 分支電路 
brass founder 鑄銅 
break "切斷,破斷" 
break-down 故障 
breaking load 破斷負(fù)荷 
breaking strength 破斷強(qiáng)度 
breaking test 破壞實(shí)驗(yàn) 
breather 通氣管 
brick 磚 
brick-layer 磚砌工 
bridge circuit 橋式電路 
bridge connector 橋接器 
bridge jumper 橋接片 
bridge rectifier 橋式整流器 
bright controlling 光度控制 
broach 拉力 
broaching machine 拉床 
brochure 手冊(cè) 
broken chain contact 斷鏈觸點(diǎn) 
broken circuit 斷路 
broken drive chain contact 主驅(qū)動(dòng)鏈保護(hù)裝置 
broken drive-chain safety device 驅(qū)動(dòng)鏈條保護(hù)裝置 
broken rope contact 驅(qū)動(dòng)鏈條列斷安全裝置 
broken step chain contact 斷繩觸點(diǎn) 
broken step chain device 斷繩開(kāi)關(guān) 
broken step chain safety device 梯級(jí)鏈斷列觸點(diǎn) 
broken step safety device 梯級(jí)破列安全裝置 
broken tape sweitch 短帶開(kāi)關(guān) 
bronze 銅 
brunching "成組,成群" 
brush finished stainless steel 啞光不銹鋼 
brush holder "刷握,滑環(huán)" 
brush yoke 刷架 
budget 預(yù)算 
buffer 緩沖器 
buffer base 緩沖器底座 
buffer plate 緩沖器板 
buffer plunger 緩沖器柱塞 
buffer return spring 緩沖器復(fù)位彈簧 
buffer stand 緩沖器臺(tái) 
buffer striking plate 緩沖器撞板 
buffer stroke 緩沖器沖程 
buffer support 緩沖器支承 
buffer switch 緩沖器開(kāi)關(guān) 
buider's work drawing 土建圖紙 
buiding facility 大樓設(shè)施 
buiding supervision center 大樓監(jiān)管中心 
builder 建筑單位 
building 建筑 
building area 建筑面積 
building contractor 建筑承包商 
building manager 大樓管理者 
building monitoring and security system 大樓監(jiān)管和安全系統(tǒng) 
building population 大樓居住人口 
built=in 內(nèi)裝 
built-in escalator 組合式自動(dòng)扶梯 
bumper 彈簧式緩沖器 
bumper rail 防撞板 
bumpy ride 顛簸振動(dòng)的運(yùn)行 
buried 埋入的 
burn in (程序)灌入 
burr "毛刺,毛邊" 
burr free 去毛刺 
bus 總線 
bus bar 匯流條 
bush 襯套 
bushed bearing 加襯軸套 
bushing "襯套,軸套,套筒" 
butt joint "平接,對(duì)焊" 
button 按鈕 
button switch 按鈕開(kāi)關(guān) 
buyer 買(mǎi)方 
buzzer 蜂鳴器 
buzzer switch 蜂鳴器開(kāi)關(guān) 
bypass 直駛 
by-pass button 直駛按鈕 
by-pass valve 溢流閥 
bypassed floor 直駛不停樓層 
bypassed stop 直駛不停層站
C$F 到岸價(jià) 
cab "轎廂,座艙" 
cab interior 轎廂內(nèi)部 
cabin "轎廂,座艙" 
cabinet "柜,廂" 
cable 電纜 
cable box 電纜箱 
cable car 纜車(chē) 
cable cleat 電纜夾具 
cable conductor 電纜導(dǎo)線 
cable entry 電纜引入 
cable hanger 電纜吊架 
cable hole 電纜孔 
cable joint 電纜接頭 
cable termination 電纜末端 
cable trunk 電纜接頭 
CAD 計(jì)算機(jī)輔助設(shè)計(jì) 
cage 轎廂 
cage door 轎廂門(mén) 
calculation 計(jì)算機(jī)輔助設(shè)計(jì) 
calibrate 校準(zhǔn) 
call "呼梯,呼叫" 
call acceptance 呼梯接收 
call accepted 接受呼梯 
call accepted indicator 接受呼梯指示燈 
call accepted signal 接受呼梯信號(hào) 
call allocation 呼梯分派 
call assignment 呼梯指令分配 
call band 呼梯信號(hào)帶 
call button 呼梯按鈕 
call cancel 呼梯取消 
call canceling 呼梯取消 
call coincidence 呼梯重合 
call conmting system 呼梯計(jì)數(shù)系統(tǒng) 
call contrl 呼梯指令控制 
call emitter 呼梯指令發(fā)送器 
call input 呼梯輸入 
call input capacity 呼梯輸入內(nèi)容 
call input device 呼梯輸入裝置 
call load 呼梯輸入 
call memory 呼梯記憶 
call registered 登陸的呼梯 
call registered signal 登陸的呼梯信號(hào) 
call registration indicator 呼梯登陸信號(hào) 
call sequence 呼梯順序 
call tegistration 呼梯登陸 
call-back 召修 
call-back message 召修信息 
callinfg board 召喚盒 
calling floor 呼體樓層 
calling landing 呼梯 
call-out response time 維修召喚應(yīng)答時(shí)間 
call-out service 急修服務(wù) 
CAM 計(jì)算機(jī)輔助制造 
cam 凸輪 
cam for positive operation 強(qiáng)制操縱凸輪 
cam lever 偏心柄 
cam shaft 偏心軸 
cam tape control 偏心帶控制 
cam-gear 凸輪傳動(dòng)裝置 
cam-operated switch 凸輪(碰鐵)操縱開(kāi)關(guān) 
cancel "撤消,取消" 
cancelingof call signal 呼梯信號(hào)消除 
cancellation "撤消,取消" 
canopy "頂蓋,大蓬" 
canvas 帆布 
canvas hose 帆布軟管 
cap "帽,蓋子" 
cap nut 螺母 
capacitance "電容,電容量" 
capacitor 電容 
capacitor motor 電容器電機(jī) 
capacity "載重,容量,定員" 
capacity plate 載量標(biāo)牌 
capstan 絞盤(pán) 
captive roller safety gear 滾柱式安全鉗 
car 轎廂 
car annunciator 轎廂報(bào)警器 
car approaching gong 轎廂到站預(yù)報(bào)鐘 
car apron 轎廂入口群板 
car assignment "轎廂調(diào)度,轎廂分配" 
car automatic switch landing 轎廂開(kāi)關(guān)自動(dòng)停站 
car axis 轎廂中心線 
car back wall 轎廂后壁 
car botom clearance 轎廂安全高度 
car bottom overtravel 轎廂底部越層 
car bottom runby 底部越程 
car buffer 轎廂緩沖器 
car button 轎廂按鈕 
car cab 轎廂體 
car call 轎廂指令 
car call button 轎廂指令按鈕 
car call cancel 轎內(nèi)召喚取消 
car call control 轎廂指令控制 
car call panel 轎廂(呼梯)指示盤(pán) 
car call stop 轎廂(呼梯)指令停車(chē) 
car cam 碰鐵 
car canopy 轎廂頂蓋 
car ceiling 轎廂裝飾頂 
car coming indicator 轎廂駛近指示燈 
car control lever 轎廂操縱手柄 
car control switch 轎廂操縱開(kāi)關(guān) 
car counterweight 轎廂對(duì)重 
car cross-head 轎廂上梁 
car depth 轎廂深度 
car dispatch 轎廂調(diào)度 
car door 轎門(mén) 
car door catch 轎門(mén)栓 
car door closer 轎門(mén)關(guān)閉器 
car door electric contact 轎門(mén)電觸點(diǎn) 
car door guide shoe 轎門(mén)導(dǎo)靴 
car door interlock 轎門(mén)聯(lián)鎖 
car door lock 轎門(mén)門(mén)鎖 
car door rail 轎門(mén)導(dǎo)軌 
car door sill 轎門(mén)地坎 
car door track 轎門(mén)導(dǎo)軌 
car elevator 汽車(chē)電梯 
car emergency exit "轎廂安全門(mén),應(yīng)急門(mén)" 
car emergency opening 轎廂安全窗 
car emergency release switch 轎廂應(yīng)急釋放按鈕 
car enclosure panel 轎廂壁板 
car enclosures 轎廂壁板 
car entrance 轎廂入口 
car extetior "轎廂外裝修,轎廂外表" 
car fan 轎廂風(fēng)扇 
car floating movable platform 轎廂活動(dòng)地板 
car floor frame "轎廂架,轎架" 
car frame "轎廂架,轎架" 
car frame attachment 轎廂框架附件 
car frame plank 轎廂下梁 
car frame upright 轎廂立柱 
car front 轎廂前壁 
car full control 滿載轎廂控制 
car gate 轎廂門(mén) 
car gate contact 轎門(mén)觸點(diǎn) 
car gate electric contact 轎門(mén)電氣觸點(diǎn) 
car guide 轎廂導(dǎo)軌 
car guide axis 轎廂導(dǎo)軌中心線 
car handle control "手柄開(kāi)關(guān)操縱,轎內(nèi)開(kāi)關(guān)控制" 
car handrail 轎廂扶手 
car height 轎廂高度 
car illumination 轎廂照明 
car isolation 轎廂隔震器 
car leveling device 轎廂平層裝置 
car lift 汽車(chē)電梯 
car light 轎廂照明裝置 
car light panel "轎廂照明板,照明天花板" 
car lighting 轎廂照明 
car manual switch landing 轎廂手動(dòng)開(kāi)關(guān)停站 
car operation board 轎廂操縱盤(pán) 
car operation panel 操縱箱 
car overload 轎廂超載 
car panel 轎廂壁板 
car panel attachment 轎廂壁板附件 
car panel base 轎廂壁板底座 
car panel with window 轎廂壁板上窗口 
car platform "轎廂底,轎底" 
car platform guard 轎廂站臺(tái)護(hù)板 
car platform sill 轎廂 
car position indicator "轎廂指示燈,轎廂位置顯示" 
car position reference value 轎廂位置參考值 
car preference 轎廂優(yōu)先權(quán) 
car push-button 轎廂按鈕 
car rear wall 轎廂后壁 
car roof "轎廂頂,轎頂" 
car safety 轎廂安全鉗 
car safety bar for dumbwaiter 轎廂安全棒(雜貨梯) 
car safety gear 轎廂安全鉗 
car safety mechanism switch 轎廂安全鉗聯(lián)動(dòng)開(kāi)關(guān) 
car sheave 轎廂繩輪 
car side emergency door 轎廂安全側(cè)門(mén) 
car side opening 轎廂側(cè)面開(kāi)門(mén) 
car side wall 轎廂側(cè)壁 
car sill 轎廂地坎 
car sling "轎廂架,吊架" 
car station 轎廂操縱站 
car status information 轎廂運(yùn)行狀態(tài)信息 
car stop 轎廂停止 
car suspension 轎廂懸掛裝置 
car switch 轎廂開(kāi)關(guān) 
car switch automatic floor stop operation 轎廂開(kāi)關(guān)自動(dòng)停站裝置 
car switch control 轎廂開(kāi)關(guān)控制 
car switch opration "手柄開(kāi)關(guān)操縱,轎內(nèi)開(kāi)關(guān)控制" 
car top 轎廂頂部 
car top clearance 轎頂安全高度 
car top emergency exit "轎頂安全出口,轎頂應(yīng)急出口" 
car top guard 轎頂護(hù)欄 
car top inspection device 轎頂檢修裝置 
car top inspection station 轎頂檢修盒(站) 
car top light 轎頂照明裝置 
car top protection balustrade 轎頂防護(hù)欄桿 
car top protection railing 轎頂防護(hù)欄桿 
car ventilation 轎廂通風(fēng) 
car walls "轎廂壁,轎壁" 
car weight 轎廂重量 
car width 轎廂寬度 
carbon "碳,石墨" 
carbon brush 碳刷 
carbon contact 碳精觸點(diǎn) 
carbon steel 碳素鋼 
carburization 滲碳 
carburize 滲碳 
carburized hardening 滲碳硬化 
carburizer 滲碳劑 
card "卡片,紋板" 
card reader 卡片讀出器 
cardan joint 萬(wàn)向接頭 
carpet 地毯 
carriage charges 運(yùn)費(fèi) 
carry frequency "載波頻率,開(kāi)關(guān)工作頻率" 
carrying capacity "載運(yùn)量,載運(yùn)能力" 
cart elevator 車(chē)輛運(yùn)貨電梯 
cartridge fuse 插塞式熔斷器
carving machine 刻模機(jī) 
cascade "級(jí)聯(lián),串聯(lián)" 
cascade sub-loop 串接式子回路 
case "箱,盒,外殼" 
casing "保護(hù)套,外套" 
casing of cylinder 油缸套 
cassette tape 錄音帶 
cast bronze 鑄青銅 
cast iron 鑄鐵 
cast steel 鑄鋼 
casting 鑄造 
castor oil 蓖麻油 
catch "擎子,門(mén)扣,捕捉器" 
catch block 安全鉗 
catch clip 捕捉夾鉗 
catch device 捕捉裝置 
cathode 陰極 
cathode ray tube(CRT) 陰極射線管 
cavitation "氣穴,渦穴,飽和壓力點(diǎn)" 
ceiling 吊頂 
ceiling assembling 轎頂 
cellulose 纖維板 
cement "水泥,膠合劑" 
cement concrete 混凝土 
cenrifugal brake 離心制動(dòng)器 
center 中心 
center latch 中心門(mén)栓 
center line 中心線 
center of curvature 曲率中心 
center opening 中分式門(mén) 
center opening door 中分門(mén) 
center opening two speed door 中分四扇門(mén) 
center opening vertical sliding door 中分式垂直滑動(dòng)門(mén) 
center plunger hydraulic lift 柱塞直頂式液壓電梯 
center support "中心支撐,中間支撐,第三支撐" 
center-opening folding door 中分式折疊門(mén) 
centigrade 攝氏溫度 
central alarm 中央報(bào)警 
central control board 中央監(jiān)控盤(pán) 
central control room 中央監(jiān)控室 
central jack 中心液壓裝置 
central position 中心位置 
centrifugal 離心的 
centrifugal cast 離心鑄造 
centrifugal fan 離心式風(fēng)扇 
centrifugal governor 離心式限速器 
centrifugal speed 離心速度 
centrifugal switch 離心開(kāi)關(guān) 
centrifugal type governor 離心式限速器 
centripetal force 向心力 
ceramic capacitor 搪瓷電容 
certification 證書(shū) 
certifying body 認(rèn)證機(jī)關(guān) 
chain 鏈條 
chain block 手拉葫蘆 
chain bracket 鏈條托架 
chain drive 鏈傳動(dòng) 
chain drive elevator 鏈驅(qū)動(dòng)升降機(jī) 
chain drive machine 鏈驅(qū)動(dòng)機(jī) 
chain gear 鏈輪 
chain guard 鏈防護(hù)罩 
chain link "鏈節(jié),鏈環(huán)" 
chain pitch 鏈條節(jié)距 
chain sag 鏈條下垂度 
chain sheave 鏈輪 
chain sprocket 鏈輪 
chain sustarned elevator 鏈支撐升降機(jī) 
chain tensioning device 鏈張緊裝置 
chain wheel 鏈輪 
chain wheel track 鏈輪導(dǎo)軌 
chamger "倒棱,去毛刺" 
change switch 轉(zhuǎn)換開(kāi)關(guān) 
change-over contact 轉(zhuǎn)化觸點(diǎn) 
change-over landing 換乘電梯層站 
change-over switch 轉(zhuǎn)換開(kāi)關(guān) 
change-pole 變化極性 
channel 槽鋼 
channel iron 槽鐵 
channel steel 槽鋼 
character "特征,字符" 
characteristic "特征,特性" 
characteristic curve 特性曲線 
charge "充電,收費(fèi)" 
charged "帶電,充電" 
charging contactor 充電接觸器 
charging set 充電 
chart 圖表 
chart of accounts 成本圖表 
check valve 止逆閥 
chequer(checker)plate 網(wǎng)紋鋼板 
chief engineer 總工程師 
chime 音鐘 
chip 芯片 
chipboard 木屑板 
chisel 鑿子 
choke "扼流,截流,阻塞" 
choke coil 扼流線圈 
chopper 斬波器 
chrome 鉻 
chuck 卡盤(pán) 
CIF(cost insurance and freight) 到岸價(jià) 
cinder concrete 煤渣混凝土 
circle "周期,圓" 
circuit 電路 
circuit breaker "斷電器,斷路器" 
circuit diagram 電路圖 
circular pitch 周節(jié) 
circulating pump 循環(huán)泵 
circulation 循環(huán) 
circumferential force 圓周力 
circumferential speed 圓周速度 
circumferential velocity 圓周速度 
CL(center line) 中心線 
clacking 蓋板 
cladding 裝飾 
clamp 夾 
clamp ring "壓制環(huán),加緊環(huán)" 
clamping jaw 夾鉗 
clamping sleeve 夾緊套桶 
clamping strap 制動(dòng)帶 
class of loading 災(zāi)荷種類(lèi) 
clear depth 凈深度 
clear dimension 凈尺寸 
clear door height 門(mén)凈高度 
clear door width 門(mén)凈寬度 
clear entrance to the car 轎廂入口凈尺寸 
clear height 凈高 
clear hoistway 井道凈尺寸 
clear width 凈寬度 
clearance between skirt panels 裙板間隙 
clearance bottom car 轎底安全高度 
clearance top car 轎頂安全高度 
clearance top counterweight 對(duì)重裝置頂部安全高度 
cleated riser 梯級(jí)豎板 
clerance 間隙 
clevis U型夾 
client "客戶(hù),買(mǎi)主" 
clip 鉗夾 
clockwise 順時(shí)針的 
close circuit 閉合電路 
closed loop 閉環(huán) 
closed position (門(mén))關(guān)閉位置 
closed position monitoring (門(mén))關(guān)閉位置檢測(cè) 
closed-loop control 閉環(huán)控制 
closed-type motor 閉合式電動(dòng)機(jī)
closer 關(guān)門(mén)器
closing force (門(mén))關(guān)閉力
closing speed 門(mén)關(guān)閉速度
closing travel 門(mén)關(guān)閉運(yùn)行
closing valve 切斷閥
clutch 離合器
clutch component 離合器部件
clutch plate 離合器板
clutch release sleeve 離合器釋放套管
clutch spring 離合器彈簧
CMOS 互補(bǔ)型金屬氧化物(半導(dǎo)體)
CNC(computerized numric control) 計(jì)算機(jī)數(shù)控
coast to stop 滑行停車(chē)
coating 涂層
coaxial cable 同軸電纜
cock 龍頭
code "碼,符號(hào),規(guī)程,規(guī)范"
code of practice "實(shí)施規(guī)程,實(shí)用規(guī)程"
code word 代號(hào)文字
coding PCB(printer cicuit board) 編碼印刷電路板
coefficient 系數(shù)
coefficient of friction 摩擦系數(shù)
coil "線圈,繞組"
coil case 線圈外殼
coiled spring 螺旋彈簧
coincidence memory 重合記憶
coinciding call 重合呼梯指令
cold cathode 冷陰極
collapsible door 柵欄門(mén)
collapsible gate "柵欄門(mén),折疊式門(mén)"
collapsible type door 折疊式門(mén)
collar 環(huán)
collecting brush 集電刷
collecting ring 軸環(huán)
collection "收集,集合"
collective control 集中控制
collective full automatic operation 全自動(dòng)集中控制
collective operation elevator 集中操作電梯
collective selective 集選
collective selective control 集選控制
collector 集電路
collision switch 碰撞開(kāi)關(guān)
color 顏色
colored starnless steel 彩色不銹鋼
colorfast 不褪色的
colorless 無(wú)色的
column "柱,立柱"
comb contact 梳齒板安全裝置
comb floor plate 梳齒板
comb light 梳齒燈
comb lighting 梳齒板照明
comb plate 梳齒板
comb plate contact 梳齒板觸板
comb plate safety device 梳齒板安全裝置
commutation 整流
commutator 換向環(huán)
commutator brush 整流子電刷
commutator lug 整流片
commutator metallic segment 金屬整流器
compact 緊湊的
comparator 比較器
compartment "隔板,隔室"
compennsating device for hoist ropes 曳引繩補(bǔ)償裝置
compensanting/equalizer disk 補(bǔ)償/補(bǔ)償器
compensating 補(bǔ)償
compensating chain device 補(bǔ)償鏈裝置
compensating condensor 補(bǔ)償電容器
compensating devece 補(bǔ)償裝置
compensating rope 補(bǔ)償繩
compensating rope device 補(bǔ)償繩裝置
compensating rope hitch 補(bǔ)償繩繩頭板
compensating rope sheave 補(bǔ)償繩輪
compensating rope socket 補(bǔ)償繩繩頭
compensating winding 補(bǔ)償繩繞組
compensating-rope sheave safety switch 補(bǔ)償繩輪安全開(kāi)關(guān)
compensating-rope sheave switch 補(bǔ)償繩輪開(kāi)關(guān)
compensation chain 補(bǔ)償鏈
compensation coil 補(bǔ)償繩線圈
compensation rope 補(bǔ)償繩
compensation sheave 補(bǔ)償繩輪
competent "有資格的,勝任的"
competent personnel "有資格的人員,勝任的人員"
competitor system 競(jìng)爭(zhēng)機(jī)制
component 部件
compound wind motor 復(fù)勵(lì)電動(dòng)機(jī)
compound wound 復(fù)繞
comprehensive 綜合的
comprehensive maintenance contract "綜合維修合同,全包維修合同"
comprehensive service contract "綜合維修合同,全包維修合同"
compressing spring 壓縮彈簧
compression 壓縮
compression switch 壓縮開(kāi)關(guān)
compressive stress 壓應(yīng)力
compressor 壓縮器
compulogic system 電腦程序控制系統(tǒng)
computer 計(jì)算機(jī)
computer peripheral devices 計(jì)算機(jī)外圍裝置
computer simulation 計(jì)算機(jī)模擬
computing power 運(yùn)算容量
concealed "隱蔽的,暗式"
concealed hinge 暗式鏈條
concentrated load 集中載荷
concentricity 同心性
conclusion of contract 合同成交
concrete 混凝土
concrete hoistway 混凝土井道
concrete machine block 混凝土機(jī)座
concrete wall 混凝土墻
condenser 電容器
condenser for power factor improvement 功率因素補(bǔ)償電容
condition 條件
condition of payment 付款條件
conditions of contract 合同條件
conducting wire 導(dǎo)線
conductive 導(dǎo)電的
conductor 導(dǎo)體
conduit 導(dǎo)線管
conduit fitting 導(dǎo)線管接頭
cone roller bearing 滾錐軸承
conference room 會(huì)議室
conical brake 錐形制動(dòng)器
conical pin 錐銷(xiāo)
conicity 錐度
connect in series 串接
connecting piece 連接件
connecting rod "連桿,連接桿"
connection 連接
connection diagram of controller 控制柜連線圖
connector "接線柱,連接器"
conract specification "合同規(guī)定,合同明細(xì)表"
conract speed "合同速度,額定速度"
consecutively departing 依次派出的轎廂
console panel "控制柜,控制盤(pán)"
constant "恒定的,常數(shù)"
constant HP motor 功率恒定型電機(jī)
constant speed valve "比例控制閥,調(diào)速閥"
constant torque motor 力矩恒定型電機(jī)
construction "安裝,施工"
construction crane 建筑起重機(jī)
construction layout drawing 土建圖
construction platform "安裝平臺(tái),施工平臺(tái)"
construction site "安裝工地,施工工地"
consultant "顧問(wèn),咨詢(xún)機(jī)構(gòu)"
consumption 消耗
contact 觸點(diǎn)
contact angle 接觸角
contact brace 觸頭撐條
contact burning 觸頭燒損
contact carrier 觸頭支架
contact control 有觸點(diǎn)控制
contact control system 有觸點(diǎn)控制系統(tǒng)
contact finger "接觸指,滑觸頭"
contact forcibly actuated 強(qiáng)迫操動(dòng)觸頭
contact holder 觸頭固定架
contact input 接觸輸入端
contact load 保證(額定)載荷
contact mat 觸頭墊片
contact normally closed 常閉觸點(diǎn)
contact normally open 常開(kāi)觸點(diǎn)
contact pressure 觸頭壓力
contact resistance 接觸電阻
contactless 無(wú)觸點(diǎn)
contactless control 無(wú)觸點(diǎn)控制
contactless control system 無(wú)觸點(diǎn)控制系統(tǒng)
contactless switch 無(wú)觸點(diǎn)開(kāi)關(guān)
contactor 接觸器
contents 內(nèi)容
conter 計(jì)數(shù)器
continuing travel indicator (轎內(nèi))繼續(xù)運(yùn)行指示器
continuous line arrangement 連鎖配置
continuous speed regulation 連續(xù)速度控制
continuous-pressure button 繼壓開(kāi)關(guān)
contract "合同,契約,承包合同"
contract capacity "合同載重量,合同容量"
contract load 合同負(fù)載
contract of indemnity 賠償合同
contract party "合同方,合同當(dāng)事人"
contract work system 合同制度
control 控制
control amplifier 調(diào)節(jié)放大器
control bus 控制總線
control cabinet 控制柜
control cable 控制電纜
control circuit 控制電路
control device for handrail brekage 扶手帶斷帶保護(hù)裝置
control feature 控制特征
control gear 控制論
control guard for handrail breakage 扶手帶斷帶保護(hù)裝置
control lever 控制桿
control panel 控制屏
control stand 控制臺(tái)
control station 控制站
control switgh 控制開(kāi)關(guān)
control system 控制系統(tǒng)
control system for elevator 電梯控制系統(tǒng)
control technique 控制技術(shù)
control type 控制形式
control valve 控制閥
control valve unit (液壓)調(diào)節(jié)閥裝置
control voltage "控制電壓,操作電壓"
controlled angle 控制角
controller 控制柜
controller base 控制柜底座
controller cabinet 控制柜
controller panel 控制屏
controller wiring diagram 控制柜電路圖
controlling circuit 控制電路
conuter-clockwise 逆時(shí)針?lè)较?br /> conventional 常規(guī)的
conventional lift 普通電梯
converter "整流器,轉(zhuǎn)換頭"
converter panel 換流器盤(pán)
converter set 換流器組件
converter unit 換流裝置
conveyance of passengers 乘客載運(yùn)
conveyer 輸送機(jī)
conveyer track 輸送車(chē)軌道
cooler 冷卻裝置
cooler air-conditioner 空調(diào)制冷
cooling 冷卻
cooling device for semiconductor 半導(dǎo)體冷卻裝置
cooling fan 冷卻風(fēng)扇
COP(car operation panel) 轎廂操縱盤(pán)
copper 銅
cord "繩索,芯線"
cord drive "繩傳動(dòng),(廳門(mén))"
core 鐵心
core press 鐵心壓力
core ventilation 鐵心通風(fēng)
cork 軟木
cork packing 軟木盤(pán)根
corner "角,隔"
corner post 對(duì)角立柱
corpus lift 尸體升降機(jī)
correct phase sequence 正確相序
function test 功能試驗(yàn)
funicular 纜車(chē)
fuse 保險(xiǎn)絲,熔絲
fuse blown 保險(xiǎn)絲燒斷
fuse box 保險(xiǎn)絲盒
fuse disconnected switch 熔斷開(kāi)關(guān)
fuse holder 熔斷器座
fuse protection 熔斷保護(hù)
fuzzy logic 模糊邏輯
Gal(galileo) 伽(重力加速度單位)
Gal(gallon) 加侖(液量單位)
galvanize 鍍鋅
galvanized 鍍鋅的
galvanized iron 鍍鋅鐵皮
galvanized steel 鍍鋅鋼
gap 間隙
garage elevator 車(chē)庫(kù)電梯
gas cutting 氣割
gas filled 充氣的
gas filled rectifier 充氣整流器
gasket 電梯
gasoline 汽油
gate 轎門(mén),閘門(mén)電路,選通器
gate action 選通作用
gate amplifier 選通脈沖放大器
gate bias 柵偏壓
gate closer 關(guān)門(mén)器
gate contact 門(mén)觸點(diǎn)
gate controller 門(mén)控器
gate diode 門(mén)電路二極管
gate generator 門(mén)脈沖發(fā)生器
gate guide shoe 門(mén)導(dǎo)靴
gate lock 門(mén)鎖
gate operator 開(kāi)關(guān)門(mén)機(jī)
gate power operator 自動(dòng)開(kāi)關(guān)門(mén)機(jī)
gate pulse 門(mén)脈沖
gate sill 門(mén)地坎
gate switch 門(mén)開(kāi)關(guān)
gate time 選通時(shí)間
gate trigger 控制門(mén)觸發(fā)器
gate turnoff thyristor 可控硅開(kāi)關(guān)
gate vale 閘閥
gauge 量規(guī),量具
gear 齒輪
gear box 齒輪箱
gear driving machine 有齒輪曳引機(jī)
gear efficiency 機(jī)器效率,齒輪效率
gear grease 齒輪黃油
gear hobbing 滾齒
gear parts 齒輪部分
gear pump 齒輪泵
gear ratio 傳動(dòng)比
gear reducer 齒輪減速裝置
gear ring 齒輪圈
gear speed reducer 齒輪減速裝置
gear teeth 輪齒
geared elevator 有齒輪電梯
geared hoising machine 有齒輪曳引機(jī)
geared lift 有齒輪電梯
geared machine 有齒輪曳引機(jī)
geared motor 齒輪傳動(dòng)電動(dòng)機(jī)
gearless 無(wú)齒輪
gearless driving machine 無(wú)齒輪曳引機(jī)
gearless elevator 無(wú)齒輪電梯
gearless hoisting machine 無(wú)齒輪曳引機(jī)
gearless machine 無(wú)齒輪曳引機(jī)
general contractor 總承包商
hard-h(huán)at 安全帽
hardware (計(jì)算機(jī))硬件,(機(jī)械)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)件,五金件
harm 損傷
harmonic distortion 諧波失真
harmonics 諧波
harness 把,束
hatch 圍井(船用電梯井道)出口
hatchway 井道
hatchway enclosure 井道圍封
hatchway type elevator 井道式電梯
hauling hope 曳引繩
haunched beam 井道內(nèi)牛腿,加腋梁
hazard 危險(xiǎn)
HCR(highest call reversal) 頂層呼梯反向
head jamb 上門(mén)套,頂門(mén)套
head room 頂房,頂部空間
head room height 頂層高度
head trim 上門(mén)套,頂門(mén)套
header 上門(mén)坎,門(mén)頂部
header case 門(mén)頂箱
header cover 門(mén)頂罩
header track 門(mén)上坎軌道,門(mén)頂部軌道
headquarters 總部
headroom height 頂層高度
heat absorption 熱量吸收
heat accumulation 熱量積聚
heat dissipation 熱量消耗
heat emission 熱量散發(fā)
heat output 熱量輸出
heat transfer 傳感器,熱傳導(dǎo)
heat treatment 熱處理
heater 發(fā)熱器
heating device 取暖器
heatsink 散熱片
heavy demand floor 繁忙樓層
heavy demand floor call 繁忙樓層呼梯
heavy demand floor control 繁忙樓層控制
heavy duty dloor 繁忙樓層
heavy duty dloor call 繁忙樓層呼梯
heavy duty dloor control 繁忙樓層控制
heavy duty traffic 繁忙交通
heavy duty zone 繁忙區(qū)域
heavy traffic 繁忙交通
heavy-duty 大載重,交通繁忙
height above the hightest level 頂層高度
helical 螺旋的
helical gear 斜齒輪的,斜齒輪傳動(dòng)的,螺旋齒輪
helical gear machine 斜齒輪曳引機(jī)
helical gear reducer 斜齒輪減速器
helical machin 斜齒輪曳引機(jī)
helical speed reduction gear 斜齒輪減速機(jī)
helical spring 螺旋彈簧
helper 助手,幫工
hemp core 麻芯
hemp rope 麻繩
hemp rope core 大麻繩芯
hermetically sealed 氣封的
Hertz(Hz) 赫茲(頻率單位,周/秒)
hex head bolt(HHB) 六角螺栓
hex screw 六角螺釘
hexagon head 六角頭
hexagonal screw 六角螺釘
high efficiency 高效率的
high frequency chopping 高頻斬波
high gain 高增益
high grade 高級(jí)的
high pressure rubber hose 高壓膠皮管
high pressure rubber hydraulic hose 高壓橡膠液壓管
high rise building 高層建筑
high rise elevator 高層電梯
high rise escalator 大高度自動(dòng)扶梯
high rise lift 高層電梯
high rise zone 高層區(qū)
high signal-noise ratio 高信號(hào)噪聲比
high speed escalator 高速自動(dòng)扶梯
high speed steel 高速鋼
high speed winding 高速繞組
high tension 高張力
high tension bolt 耐拉螺栓,強(qiáng)力螺栓
high tension supply 高電壓
higher harmonics 高次諧波
highest call reversal (HCR) 頂層呼梯反向
highest reversal floor 最高反向樓層
highlighting bar (計(jì)算機(jī)) 強(qiáng)光線條,重點(diǎn)線條
high-speed slevator/lift 高速電梯
hight 高度
hilti bolt 膨脹螺栓
hinge 鉸鏈
hinge door 鉸鏈門(mén),外敞門(mén)
hinge plate 鉸鏈板
hinged platform sill 轎箱鉸接式地坎
hitch plate 鋼絲繩繩頭夾板
hitch rod 繩頭桿
hob 滾刀
hobbing 滾銑齒
hobbing machine 滾齒機(jī)
hohder 固定架
hoist 起重器
hoist machine 提升機(jī),曳引機(jī)
hoist ropes 曳引繩
insert nut 嵌入螺母
inserting mortar 添縫
insopection traveling speed 檢修運(yùn)行速度
inspection 檢查,檢修
inspection button 檢修按鈕
inspection control 檢修控制
inspection control device 檢修控制裝置
inspection device on top of the car 轎箱檢修裝置
inspection door 檢修門(mén)
inspection operation 檢修操作
inspection speed 檢修速度
inspection switch 檢修開(kāi)關(guān)
inspection trap 檢修用活板門(mén)
inspection travel 檢修運(yùn)行
inspector 檢測(cè)人員,驗(yàn)收機(jī)構(gòu)
inspector knife switch 檢修閘刀開(kāi)關(guān)
installation 安裝
installation documents 安裝文件
installation drawing 安裝圖紙
installation instructions 安裝說(shuō)明書(shū)
installation manager 安裝經(jīng)理
installation period 安裝周期
installation personnel 安裝人員
installation superintendent 安裝總監(jiān)
installer 安裝工
instantaneous 瞬時(shí)的,瞬息的
instantaneous safety 瞬時(shí)式安全鉗
instantaneous safety gear 瞬時(shí)式安全鉗裝置
instantaneously type safety gear 瞬時(shí)式安全鉗
institute building 公共事業(yè)機(jī)構(gòu)性建筑
instructed person 受過(guò)訓(xùn)練的人員
instruction 指示,指令
instruction drawing 要領(lǐng)圖
instruction ROM 指令寄存器
instruction system 指令系統(tǒng)
instruction user 經(jīng)訓(xùn)練的使用者
instrument 儀器,儀表
insulating coupling 絕緣接頭
insulating material 絕緣材料
insulating resistance 絕緣電阻
insulating sleeve 絕緣套管
insulating strength 絕緣強(qiáng)度
insulating tape 絕緣帶
insulation 絕緣
insulation class 絕緣等級(jí)
insulation rubber 防震橡膠,絕緣橡膠
insulation test 絕緣試驗(yàn)
insulator 絕緣子,電瓷
integrate 積分,整化,結(jié)合
integrated circuit 集成電路
integrating electronic element 集成電子元件
integrating error 累計(jì)誤差
intense traffic 密集交通,繁重交通
intense up peak 上行密集交通
intensive duty traffic 密集客流,繁重交通
intensive traddic 稠密交通
intercom device 對(duì)講裝置
interconnect elevator 并聯(lián)梯
interface 接口,界面
interference 干擾
interference suppression 消除干擾
interfloor balance traffic 樓層間平衡交通
interfloor distance 層間距離
interfloor flight time 層間運(yùn)行時(shí)間
interfloor height 層間高度
interfloor jump time 層間跨越時(shí)間
interfloor passenger arrival-rate 層間乘客到站率
interfloor passenger traffic 層間客流交通
interfloor traffic 層間交通,中間樓層交通
interfloor traffic mode 中間樓層交通模式
interim payment 分期付款
interior 內(nèi)部
interior circuit 內(nèi)繞圈
interior decoration 內(nèi)部裝潢
interior panel 內(nèi)側(cè)板
interior paneling 護(hù)壁板,護(hù)欄板
interior profile 內(nèi)側(cè)蓋板
interlock 門(mén)聯(lián)鎖
interlock circuit 互鎖電路
interlock switch 聯(lián)鎖開(kāi)關(guān)
interlocking contact 聯(lián)鎖觸點(diǎn)
interlocking device 聯(lián)鎖裝置
interlocking element 聯(lián)鎖元件
interlocking motor 聯(lián)鎖電動(dòng)機(jī)
intermediate floor 中間樓層
intermediate landing 中間層站
intermediate machine room 中間機(jī)房
intermediate speed 中間速度
intermediate stop 中間停車(chē),中間停站
intermediate support 中心支撐,中間支撐,第三支撐
intermediate support beam 中間支撐架
intermediate tie-bracket 中間束架
intermittent 間歇的,周期性的
intermittent problem 間歇性的問(wèn)題,時(shí)有時(shí)無(wú)的問(wèn)題
intermittent service 間隙運(yùn)行
internal fault 內(nèi)部故障
internal gear 內(nèi)齒輪
internal resistance 內(nèi)阻
internal soore apparaus 內(nèi)部存儲(chǔ)器
internal stress 內(nèi)應(yīng)力
internal traffic 內(nèi)部交通
international safety standard 國(guó)際安全標(biāo)準(zhǔn)
interphone 對(duì)講機(jī)
interpole 中間極
interpole coil 附加磁極線圈
interpole winding 換向極繞組
interruption control 中斷控制
interstice 間隙
interval 間隔
introductory message 引導(dǎo)信息
inventory 庫(kù)存
inventory verification 庫(kù)存盤(pán)點(diǎn)
inverse current 反向電流
inverse proportion 成反比例
inverse ratio 反比
inverter 逆變器,變頻器
inverter control 逆變器控制
inverter panel 逆變器盤(pán)
investigation 調(diào)查研究
invoice 發(fā)票
invoicing 結(jié)賬
involuntary operation 偶然性操作
involute tooth 漸開(kāi)線齒
iope slippage 繩滑移,繩打滑
IPM (incidental phase modulation) 偶發(fā)的相位控制
IPM (intelligent power module) 智能化電力模塊,智能功率元件
iron ore 鐵礦
iron vronze 鐵青銅
irregular 不規(guī)則的
irregularity 不勻度
irreversibility 不可逆性
irreversible 不可逆的
I-section 工字鋼截面
I-shape 工字形
ISO 國(guó)際化標(biāo)準(zhǔn)組織
isolate 分離
isolation 隔離
isolation pad 隔離墊
isolation rubber 隔震橡膠
item 項(xiàng)目
jack 插座
jack bottom sheave 液壓千斤頂?shù)撞炕?br /> jack bracket 液壓千斤頂支架
jack stand 液壓千斤頂?shù)鬃?br /> jam nut 鎖緊螺母
jamb 門(mén)窗側(cè)柱
jamb protector 門(mén)套保護(hù)
jamming 夾住,阻塞
jaw 爪
jerk 跳動(dòng),顛簸
jerk rate 速度曲線光滑度
jerk value 跳動(dòng)量
jerky stopping 有抖動(dòng)停車(chē)
jewel 晶體玻璃,聚脂玻璃
jib crane 搖臂吊車(chē)
jig (電梯安裝)樣板,架,夾具
jiont strip 壓條,接口條
jionting ring] 連接環(huán)
jionting sheet 連接板
jiost 工字鋼
jobsite 工地
joint 連接
joint ball 萬(wàn)向球接
joint seat 連接密封
journal 軸頸
journey 旅行,行程
journey counter 行程計(jì)數(shù)表
journey time 運(yùn)行時(shí)間
judgment 選擇,判斷
jump out 短接,跨接
jump time 跨接時(shí)間
jumper 短接線,跨接線夾
junction 接線
junction box 接線盒
kelometer 千米
key 鍵
key board 鍵盤(pán)
key contact 鑰匙觸頭
key operation 鑰匙開(kāi)關(guān)
key seat 鍵槽
key swetch board 鑰匙開(kāi)關(guān)盒
key switch 鑰匙開(kāi)關(guān)
key switch box 鑰匙開(kāi)關(guān)盒
key-operated switch 鑰匙開(kāi)關(guān)
keypad 鍵板,鍵盤(pán)
keyway 鍵槽
kg 千克
kick p;ate 踢腳板
kicker shim 切槽墊片
kiloohm 千歐姆
kilowatt 千瓦特
kilowatt-hour 千瓦小時(shí)
kine 凱恩
kinetic energy 動(dòng)能
kink 紐接
knife edge switch 閘刀開(kāi)關(guān)
knob handle 球形手柄
"""KVA,Kva"" 千伏安"
label 標(biāo)簽,標(biāo)牌
labeling 加標(biāo)簽,貼標(biāo)簽
laboratory report 試驗(yàn)報(bào)告
labour department inspection 勞動(dòng)部門(mén)檢查(驗(yàn)收)
lacquer coat 漆層
lacquer enamel 搪瓷漆
ladder 梯子
ladder diagram 梯形圖
lading door dill 廳門(mén)地坎
lading door safety switch 層門(mén)安全開(kāi)關(guān)
laminated 層壓的,疊壓的
laminated glass 多層玻璃
laminated p;astic panel 層壓塑料板,多層塑料板
laminated plastic 層壓塑料板
laminated spring 疊簧
laminated wood 多層板
lamination 鐵芯疊片
lamp 燈
lamp holder 燈座
lamp socket 燈座
landic panel 停電自動(dòng)平裝置
landing 層站
landing apron 廳門(mén)護(hù)腳板
landing button 停站按鈕
landing call 層站呼梯
landing call adder unit 層站呼梯信號(hào)加法網(wǎng)絡(luò)裝置
landing call button 層站呼梯按鈕
landing call protection 層站呼梯信號(hào)保護(hù)
landing device 停站裝置
landing direction indicator 層門(mén)方向指示燈
landing door 層門(mén),廳門(mén)
landing door jamb 層門(mén)門(mén)套
landing door locking device 廳門(mén)門(mén)鎖裝置
landing entrance 層站入口
landing indicatior of maching room 機(jī)房層站指示器
landing indicator 層門(mén)指示燈
landing interlock 廳門(mén)聯(lián)鎖
landing plate 門(mén)廳板
landing position indicator 層站位置指示器
landing sagety edge 層門(mén)安全開(kāi)關(guān)
landing sills 層門(mén)地坎
landing stop 層站停車(chē)
landing switch 層站開(kāi)關(guān)
landing wiring harness 廳門(mén)接線束
landing zone 層站區(qū)
lang lay 同向捻股
langding accuracy 停站精度,平層精度
lantern 信號(hào)燈
lap 研磨
lap joint 搭接
larallel single bank arrangement 重疊配置
large quantity production 大量生產(chǎn)
large scale production 大規(guī)模生產(chǎn)
latch nut 鎖緊螺母
latching relay 門(mén)栓繼電器
lateral 橫向的,水平的
lathe 車(chē)床
lay (繩)捻,編
lay of rope (鋼絲繩)捻股方法
layout 布置,平面圖
layout drawing 布置圖
LCD 液晶顯示器
LCR 最低層呼梯反向
LD 邏輯器件,邏輯裝置
lead 引線,導(dǎo)程,螺距
lead 鉛
lead seal 鉛封
lead time 供貨周期
leaf 片,葉,門(mén)扇
leaf spring 片簧
leaflet 散頁(yè)印刷品
leakage 泄漏
leakage coefficient 漏磁系數(shù)
leakage current 泄漏電流
leaving passenger 出梯乘客
LED 發(fā)光二極管
ledge 架,支架
left hand machine 左手曳引機(jī)
left hand two speed sliding door 左開(kāi)門(mén)
left handed worm 左旋螺桿
left lay 左捻(繩股)
left opening two speed sliding door 左開(kāi)雙扇門(mén)
left-hand twist (繩)左向絞
legible 易讀的
length 長(zhǎng)度
lens 透鏡
letter of credit 信用證
letter of intent 意向書(shū)
level "場(chǎng)水平,高度"
level gear 傘齒輪
level transducer 平層傳感器
leveling 平層
leveling accuracy 平層準(zhǔn)確度
leveling cam 平層碰鐵
leveling device 平層裝置
leveling error 平層誤差
leveling inaccracy 平層誤差
leveling inductor plate 平層感應(yīng)板
leveling mode 平層模式
leveling speed 平層速度,爬行速度
leveling switch 平層開(kāi)關(guān)
leveling zone 平層區(qū)
leveling-in zone 平層區(qū)
lever 手柄,桿
lever drive 手柄驅(qū)動(dòng)
lever handle 桿式手柄
liability to guarantee 擔(dān)保責(zé)任
license 許可證
license agreement 許可證協(xié)議
license contract 許可證合同
license fee 許可證費(fèi)用
license holder 許可證持有者
license plate 使用許可,汽車(chē)牌
licensee 持有許可證(執(zhí)照者)
lift 電梯
lift attendant 電梯司機(jī)
lift car 轎廂
lift controil valve 升降控制閥
lift cycle 電梯運(yùn)行周期
lift group control 電梯的群控
lift in use indicator 電梯在使用中指示器
lift inspector 電梯檢查員
lift machine 電梯曳引機(jī)
lift management 電梯管理
lift on ships 船用電梯
lift series 電梯系列型譜
lift tester 電梯測(cè)試員
lift well 電梯井道
lifting cam for sagety shoe (門(mén))安全觸板縮回凸輪
lifting capacity 提升能力
lifting height 提升高度
lifting height of lift 電梯提升高度
lifting hook 起重吊鉤
liftwell 電梯井道
light beam safety switch 光線安全開(kāi)關(guān)
light bulb 燈泡
light device of pit inspection 底坑檢修照明裝置
light duty traffic 輕量交通
light metal 輕金屬
light switch 照明開(kāi)關(guān)
light traffic 輕閑交通
lighting 照明
lighting circuit 照明電路
lighting current 照明電流
lighting fixture 燈具
lighting source 照明電源
lighting voltage 照明電壓
lighting window 采光窗戶(hù)
lightweight 重量輕的,輕質(zhì)的
lightweight concrete 輕質(zhì)混凝土
lighyting barrier 照明障礙
limit curve 臨界曲線
limit switch 限位開(kāi)關(guān)
limiting circuit 限制電路
line diagram 線圖表
line filter 管道過(guò)濾器
line motor 直線電機(jī)
line spacing 行距
line voltage 線電壓
linear circuit 線性電路
linear induction motor(LIM) 直線感應(yīng)電動(dòng)機(jī)
linear speed 線速度
liner 襯套
lining 襯套
link 鏈環(huán),鏈節(jié)
link library 程序庫(kù)
linkage 連桿
linkage address 聯(lián)系地址
linkage specification 連桿規(guī)格表
lintel 門(mén)楣
liquid 液體
liquid level 液位
liquid level detector 液位檢查器
liquid level indicator 液位指示器
list of materials 材料清單
list of parts 零件清單
live load 活動(dòng)負(fù)荷
living expenses 生活費(fèi)用
L-Key 內(nèi)六角扳手
ln-off signal 通斷信號(hào)
loac curve 載荷曲線
load 負(fù)載,載量(數(shù)據(jù),程序等)裝入
modulation 調(diào)制解調(diào)器
module (集成電路)組件,繼電器,固態(tài)繼電器
modulus 模數(shù)
modulus of elasticity 彈性模數(shù)
modulus of longitudinal elasticity 縱向彈性模數(shù)
modulus of transverse elasticity 橫向彈性模數(shù)
moisture 濕度
moisture proof 防潮的
molding 壁板縫壓板,模壓
molybdenum 鉬
moment (力,彎,轉(zhuǎn))矩
moment of inertia 慣性矩
momentary pressure 瞬時(shí)的
moniflop 單穩(wěn)態(tài)觸發(fā)器
monitor 監(jiān)視,監(jiān)控,檢測(cè)
monitor panel 梯群監(jiān)控盤(pán)
monitor program 監(jiān)控程序
monitoring 監(jiān)視,監(jiān)控,檢測(cè)
monitoring contact 監(jiān)控觸點(diǎn)
monitoring device 監(jiān)測(cè)裝置,監(jiān)控裝置
monkey wrench 活動(dòng)扳手
mono 單一的
monochrome 單色的
mono-mass safety 單件安全裝置
monostable circuit 單穩(wěn)態(tài)電路
mon-preformed rope 松散繩
mortuary lift 殯儀館電梯,太平間電梯
MOS(metal oxide-semiconductor) 金屬氧化物半導(dǎo)體
MOS(metal oxide-silicon) 金屬氧化物硅
motion 運(yùn)動(dòng)
motion control 拖動(dòng)控制
motion speed 運(yùn)行速度
motor 電動(dòng)機(jī),馬達(dá)
motor base frequency 電機(jī)頻率
motor base speed 電動(dòng)機(jī)額定速度
motor capacity 電機(jī)功率
motor drive unit 電機(jī)驅(qū)動(dòng)裝置
motor fan 電動(dòng)機(jī)(冷卻)風(fēng)扇
motor field excitation switch 電動(dòng)機(jī)磁場(chǎng)激勵(lì)開(kāi)關(guān)
motor handle 盤(pán)車(chē)手輪
motor pulley 電機(jī)皮帶輪
motor rated sped 電動(dòng)機(jī)額定速度
motor shield 電機(jī)端罩
motor testing stand 電機(jī)試驗(yàn)臺(tái)
motor vehicle lift 汽車(chē)電梯
motoring condition 電動(dòng)狀態(tài)
moulding 模壓,模制零件,制模
mounting bracker 固定架
mounting plate 固定板
mouse 鼠,鼠標(biāo)
movable cam 可動(dòng)凸輪,可動(dòng)碰鐵
movable car platform 活動(dòng)轎廂底盤(pán)
moving coil motor 動(dòng)圈式電動(dòng)機(jī)
moving contact 活動(dòng)觸點(diǎn)
moving walk 自動(dòng)人行道
muffler 消音器
mullti-conductor cable 多線電纜
multi-core cable 多芯電纜
multi-funtion 多功能的
multi-group 多組群(電梯)
multi-leaf door 多扇門(mén)
multi-leaf sliding door 多扇滑動(dòng)門(mén)
multi-panel sliding door 多扇滑動(dòng)門(mén)
multiple 多重的
multiple elevator hoistway 多電梯井道
multiple floor flight time 多層運(yùn)行時(shí)間
multiple leaf door 多扇門(mén)
multiple roping(multi-roping) 多線懸掛的
multiple tenancy building 多個(gè)承用者大樓
"""multiple thread wor,"" 多螺紋蝸桿"
multiple well 多梯井道
multiple wire plug connection 多線插接
multiple-floor run 多層運(yùn)行時(shí)間
multiplex down-collective automatic operation 多層下集選全自動(dòng)控制
multiplying pulley 倍增滑輪
multi-plywood 多層膠合板
multipoint connector strip(pcb) 插式接頭板(印刷電路板)
multi-program 多程序系統(tǒng)
multi-roped lift 多繩懸掛電梯
multi-section door 多扇門(mén)
multi-speed driving 多速驅(qū)動(dòng)系統(tǒng)
multi-speed starting 多速起動(dòng)
multi-stage jack 多段式液壓升降裝置
multi-stage ram 多段式柱塞
multi-start worm 多頭蝸桿
multi-storey flat 多層公寓
multi-story building 多層建筑物
multi-stpreu apartment house 多層公寓
multi-use 多用途的
multi-voltage control 多極電壓控制
multi-way stitch 多路開(kāi)關(guān)
multi-wire cable 多線電纜
munsell color system 蒙塞爾色調(diào)
mutation 轉(zhuǎn)變,更換
N.C.(normal closed ) contact 常閉觸點(diǎn)
N.O.(normal open) contact 常開(kāi)觸點(diǎn)
nameplate 銘牌
nameplate current 銘牌電流,額定電流
NAND gate 非與門(mén)
narrow door jamb 小門(mén)套,窄門(mén)套
national codes 國(guó)家標(biāo)準(zhǔn)
national regulation 國(guó)家規(guī)定
natural fiber 天然纖維
natural frequency 固有頻率
natural lighting 自然照明
natural period 固有周期
natural ventilation 自然通風(fēng)
nbuilder's work 土建工程
neck of axle 軸頸
needle 針
needle bearing 滾針軸承
needle cage 針罩
needle point pliers 尖嘴鉗
negative 負(fù)電
negligible 可忽略的
neon glow 氖輝光管
neon lamp 霓虹燈
neoprene 合成橡膠
net 網(wǎng)絡(luò),凈值,有效的
net car floor area 轎廂地板凈面積
net section 有效截面
neuron network 神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò)
neutral conductor 中性線
neutral earthing 中性接地
neutral grounding 中性接地
neutral point 中性點(diǎn)
neutral position 中性位置
newel 中性,樓梯扶欄柱
newel stand 中柱臺(tái)
nib 牛腿,凸邊
nickel 鎳
nickel chromium molybdenum steel 鎳鉻鉬鋼
nickel molybdenum steel 鎳鉬鋼
nickel steel 鎳鋼
night traffic 夜間交通
no load test 空載實(shí)驗(yàn)
noise 噪聲
noise insulation 隔音
noise level 噪聲電平,干擾電平
noise proof 隔音
noise protction 噪聲防護(hù)
noise reduced 減噪聲的
noise suppression 消音的
no-load current 空載電流
no-load operation 空載操作
no-load running No. of poles 空載運(yùn)行極對(duì)數(shù)
nomenclature 術(shù)語(yǔ),命名
nominal 標(biāo)定的
nominal diameter 標(biāo)稱(chēng)直徑
nominal dimension 公稱(chēng)尺寸
nominal spedd of up motion 上行額定速度
nominal speed of down motion 下行額定速度
nominal tensile strength 標(biāo)稱(chēng)抗拉強(qiáng)度
nominal torque 額定扭矩
nominal-data 額定數(shù)據(jù)
non-combustible 不易燃的
non-combustible material 不可燃材料
original package 原包裝
O-ring O型圈
ornamental-patterned surface 裝飾花紋表面
oscillator 示波器
oscillograph 示波器
oscilloscope 示波器
oscillosynchroscope 同步示波器
out door use escalator 戶(hù)外自動(dòng)扶梯
out of balance load 不均衡負(fù)載
out of phase 相移
out of phase 180° 相移180°
out of phase 90° 相移90°
out of service 故障,停止運(yùn)行
out of stock 無(wú)現(xiàn)貨
parking landing 駐停層站
parking signal light 駐停信號(hào)燈
parking switch 駐停開(kāi)關(guān)
parking zone 駐停區(qū)
part 零件
part for jamb and sill installation 門(mén)套和門(mén)坎安裝用零件
partial load 部分載荷
partial view 局部視圖
partition 分隔,隔板
parts for closer installation 關(guān)門(mén)機(jī)安裝用零件
parts layout 零件配置圖
parts list 零件清單
pass button 直駛按鈕,不停按鈕
pass switch 不停開(kāi)關(guān),直駛開(kāi)關(guān)
passage way 通道
passenger 乘客
passenger access time 乘客登梯時(shí)間
passenger arrival rate 乘客到站率
passenger car 載客轎廂
passenger carried per minute 每分鐘載運(yùn)乘客人數(shù)
passenger conveyor 自動(dòng)人行道
passenger exit time 乘客出梯時(shí)間
passenger journey time 乘客乘梯時(shí)間
passenger lift 乘客電梯
passenger loading time 乘客進(jìn)入電梯時(shí)間
passenger transfer time 乘客進(jìn)出電梯時(shí)間
passenger transit time 乘客轉(zhuǎn)乘電梯時(shí)間
passenger transported per minute 每分鐘載運(yùn)乘客人數(shù)
passenger unloading time 乘客走出電梯時(shí)間
passenger waiting time 乘客候梯時(shí)間
passenger way 走道
passenger/freight elevator 客貨兩用電梯
passenger-and-freight elevator 客貨兩用電梯
passenger-goods lift 客貨電梯
passing chime 到站鐘
passive mode 被動(dòng)模式
password 通行令,口令
patent 專(zhuān)利
patenting 線材(拉后退火)
paternoster 鏈斗式升降機(jī)
rubber 橡皮,橡膠
rubber boot 橡膠套
rubber buffer 橡膠緩沖器
rubber covering 橡膠包皮
rubber ring 橡膠環(huán)
rubber-tyred 橡膠輪緣
rugged environment 惡劣環(huán)境
rule 尺,規(guī)則,法規(guī)
rules and regulations 規(guī)章尺度
runby 越層
running clearance 運(yùn)行間隙
running open 運(yùn)行中開(kāi)門(mén)
ruptrue valve 限速阻止閥
rupture 破裂,斷裂
rupture test 破壞性試驗(yàn)
rupturing 破裂,斷裂
rupturing capacity 遮斷功率
rust 生銹
rust-preventive 防銹的
rustproof coating 防銹涂層
rust-proofing paint 防銹漆
Rx (receiver) 接收端
saddle 束線夾子,托楔
safe guard 安全護(hù)板
safe working load 安全工作負(fù)荷
safe-stress 安全應(yīng)力
safety bar 安全桿
safety block 安全鉗體
safety brake 緊急停車(chē),安全制動(dòng)
safety circuit 安全電路
safety class 安全等級(jí)
safety code 安全規(guī)程
safety coefficient 安全系數(shù)
safety contact 安全觸點(diǎn)
safety device 安全裝置
shaft way 井道
shaft well 井道壁
shaft width 井道寬度
shape 外形,形狀
special lift 專(zhuān)用電梯
special regulation 特殊規(guī)定
special steel 特殊鋼
specific gravity 比重
specific pressure 比壓
specification 規(guī)格
specification of inspection 檢查技術(shù)要求
spectrum 譜,頻譜
speech 語(yǔ)言
speech synthesis 語(yǔ)言合成
speech synthesizer 語(yǔ)言合成器
speed actual value 速度實(shí)際值
speed command 速度指令
speed control 速度控制
speed control loop 速度控制回路
speed control of hydraulic lift 液壓梯速度控制
speed control system with adjustable displacement 容積調(diào)速系統(tǒng)
speed control system with electro-hydraulic proportional flow control value 電液比例調(diào)速系統(tǒng)
speed control system with multiple on-off valve 多級(jí)開(kāi)關(guān)控制閥調(diào)速系統(tǒng)
speed curve 速度曲線
speed curve diagram 速度曲線圖
speed feedback loop 速度反饋回路
speed governor 限速器
speed limiting device 限速裝置
speed of impact 沖撞
speed pattern 速度圖形,速度特性曲線
speed pattern generator 速度給定(圖形)發(fā)生器
speed profile 速度曲線
speed reducing switch 減速開(kāi)關(guān)
speed reference 速度參照值
speed reference signal 速度基準(zhǔn)信號(hào)
speed reference value 速度參照值
speed regulator 速度調(diào)節(jié)器
speed relay 速度繼電器
speed transducer 速度傳感器
speed trigger 速度觸發(fā)器
speed-time curve 速度-時(shí)間曲線
spherical roller bearing 鼓形滾柱軸承
spider 星形輪,十字軸
spike (波形)峰值,尖峰,脈沖,跳度
spiral escalator 螺旋形自動(dòng)扶梯
spiral gear 螺旋齒輪
spiral spring 盤(pán)簧
spirit level 水準(zhǔn)儀
splash lubrication 飛濺潤(rùn)滑
splash-proof 防濺
splice 拼接,絞接
split pin 開(kāi)尾銷(xiāo)
spoke 輪輻,輪條
spool 轉(zhuǎn)線軸
spool valve 滑閥,柱形閥
spot check 抽樣檢查
spot welding 點(diǎn)焊
spray 噴射,噴霧
spray-painted 噴漆
spread 伸展,散布
spreader bracket 橫柱支架,撤布器支架
spring 彈簧
spring buffer 彈簧緩沖器,蓄能型緩沖器
spring clip 彈簧夾
spring constant 彈簧常數(shù)
spring loaded terminal 彈簧端線夾
spring return oil buffer 彈簧復(fù)原油壓緩沖器
spring steel 彈簧鋼
spring washer 彈簧墊圈
sprinkler 噴壺,噴水頭
sprocket 鏈輪
sprocket chain 鏈條
sprocket wheel 鏈輪
spruce 云杉木
spud 定位樁
spur gear 直齒輪,正齒輪
square root function converter 平方根功能變換器
square root generator 平方根發(fā)生器
square steel 方鋼
squirrel cage 鼠籠型
squirrel cage induction motor 鼠籠式交流感應(yīng)機(jī)
squirrel cage motor 鼠籠式電動(dòng)機(jī)
SRAM(static RAM) 靜態(tài)隨機(jī)存取存儲(chǔ)器
ssembly drawing 組裝圖
stability 穩(wěn)定性
stabilizer 穩(wěn)定裝置
staff 工作人員,職員
stainless sheet 不銹鋼
stainless sheet steel 不銹鋼薄板
stainless steel cladding 不銹鋼包層
stainless steel sheet 不銹鋼薄板
stainlss steel 不銹鋼薄板
stair 梯階
stair case 樓梯間
stair landing (自動(dòng)扶梯)梯級(jí)平臺(tái)
stairclimber 樓梯輪椅電梯
stairway 樓梯
stairway lift 樓梯輪椅電梯
stairway shaft 自動(dòng)扶梯井道
stairwell 自動(dòng)扶梯井道
stairwell enclosure 自動(dòng)扶梯井道圍壁
stall 失速,拋錨
stand 站立,臺(tái)座
standard 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)
standard lift 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)電梯
standard series 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)系列
standard wire gauge 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)線規(guī)
standardization 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化的
standardized elevator /lift 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化電梯,標(biāo)準(zhǔn)系列電梯
stand-by 備用品,備用
stand-by battery 備用電池
standby generator 備用發(fā)電機(jī)
stand-by machine 備用機(jī)器
stand-by power 備用電源
stand-by system 值班制度
standing time 非運(yùn)行時(shí)間
two panel side-opening door 雙開(kāi)旁開(kāi)門(mén)
two panel sliding door 旁開(kāi)門(mén)、雙折門(mén)、雙速門(mén)
two panel uposliding door 雙扇上開(kāi)門(mén)
two panel vertically bi-parting door 雙扇直分門(mén)
two speed 雙扇(控制)
two speed AC control 交流雙速控制
two speed AC electric drive 雙速交流電梯控制
two speed bi-parting door 直分四扇門(mén)
two speed door 旁開(kāi)門(mén)、雙折門(mén)、雙速門(mén)
two speed excalator 雙速自動(dòng)扶梯
two stage jack 兩段式液壓升降裝置
two stage ram 兩段式柱塞
two-speed drive 雙速驅(qū)動(dòng)
two-speed sliding door 旁開(kāi)門(mén)、雙折門(mén)、雙速門(mén)
two-start worm 雙頭螺桿
two-to-four rope 2:4 繞繩比
two-to-one roping 2:4 繞繩比
two-way automatic leveling device 雙向自動(dòng)平層裝置
two-way speaker 對(duì)講機(jī)
two-way switch 雙向開(kāi)關(guān)
two-way traffic 雙向交通模式
TX (transmitter) 發(fā)射端
type 類(lèi)型,形式
undercut profile 切口型(繩槽)
undercut U-groove U型切口(繩槽)
underoil motor 侵油式電動(dòng)機(jī)
undershoot 低沖、低速調(diào)節(jié)不足
undersize 尺寸不足、小號(hào)
underslung car 下懸式轎廂
underslung elevator 下懸吊式電梯
undervoltage 欠電壓
unequiqual side angle steel 不等邊角鐵
uneven floor population 不均衡的樓層人數(shù)
uniform 均勻的
uniform load 均勻負(fù)荷
uniform passenger load 均布稱(chēng)載負(fù)荷
uniformly distributed load 均布載荷
unintentional reversal of the direction of travel 非操作逆轉(zhuǎn)保護(hù)裝置
unit connection diagram 裝置配線圖,單元配線
unit piping 裝置配管
unit pressure 單位壓力
universal grinder 萬(wàn)能磨床
universal joint 萬(wàn)向接頭
universal key 通用鍵,萬(wàn)能鑰匙
universal parts 通用零件
universal sub-routine 通用子程序
unloading 卸貨
unloading time 卸載時(shí)間,乘客出梯
unlock 開(kāi)鎖
unwind 退繞
up 上,上行
up arrow 上行箭頭
up call 上行呼梯
up car direction light 轎廂上行指示
up collective control 上行集中控制
up direction 上行方向
up hall direction light 廳門(mén)轎廂上行指示
up load 讀入
up peak 上行高峰
up peak control 上行高峰控制
up peak mode 上行高峰模式
up slow down switch 上行減速開(kāi)關(guān)
up stop 上行停車(chē)
up thrust roller 上迫滾輪,向上推力滾輪
up valve 提升閥
up/down arrow 上行/下行箭頭
update 使現(xiàn)代化,不斷更新
up-distributive down 上行分派下行集中控制
up-down sloding door 垂直滑動(dòng)門(mén),上下滑動(dòng)門(mén)
upfinal limit switch 井道上端極限開(kāi)關(guān)
up-peak interval 上行高峰周期
up-peak traffic 上行高峰交通
uppe-line track 上緣導(dǎo)軌
upper beam 頂楔
upper chord 上楔材料
upper deckboard 上鋪面板
upper shaft 上軸
upper support andle 頂部支撐角鐵
upper terminal floor 上部頂端樓層
upper terminal rail support 上頂端導(dǎo)軌支撐
upper zone 高層區(qū)
upright 上梁
up-sliding door 上開(kāi)門(mén)
upthrust roller 偏心輪
uptrasonic 超聲波
upward opening door 上開(kāi)單扇門(mén)
vector analysis 矢量分析
vector control 矢量控制
vector diagram 矢量圖
vector flux 矢量磁通
vector space 矢量空間
vehicle 機(jī)動(dòng)車(chē)輛
vehicle elevator/lift 車(chē)輛電梯
velocity 速度
velocity transducer 速度傳感器
venner 裝飾面
vent 通氣孔
ventilating device 通風(fēng)裝置
ventilation 通風(fēng)
ventilation aperture 通風(fēng)口
ventilation fan 通風(fēng)扇
ventilation grill 通風(fēng)網(wǎng)柵
ventilation opening 通風(fēng)口
vertical 垂直的
vertical projection 垂直投影
vertical section 垂直斷面
vertical seismic force 垂直震力
vertical seismic scale 垂直震度
vertical sliding 垂直滑動(dòng)
vertical transportation 垂直運(yùn)輸
vertical truss member 垂直杭架構(gòu)件
vertically bi-parting door 直分門(mén)
vertically sliding bi-parting counterweight door 有對(duì)重垂直中心滑動(dòng)門(mén)
vertically sliding door 垂直滑動(dòng)門(mén)
vibrating absorber 減振器
vibration 振動(dòng)
vibration absorber 減振器
vibration damper 減振器
voltage reference signal 電壓基準(zhǔn)信號(hào)
voltage regulator 電壓調(diào)節(jié)器
voltage regulator pcb 電壓調(diào)節(jié)器印刷電路板
voltage rise 電壓升高
voltage tester 電壓測(cè)試器
voltmeter 電壓計(jì)
volume 體積,音量
volute spring 錐形彈簧
vrinier caliper 游標(biāo)卡尺
vulcanized 硫化
vulcanizing 加硫
wage per piece 計(jì)件工資
wainscot 護(hù)壁板
waiting interval 等候時(shí)間
waiting passenger indicator 等候指示燈
waiting queue 侯梯乘客量
waiting signal 候梯信號(hào)
waiting time 侯梯時(shí)間
waiting time at landing 在層站的侯梯時(shí)間
waiting time distribution 侯梯時(shí)間分布
waiting time limit 侯梯時(shí)間極限
walkie-talkie 對(duì)講機(jī)
wall anchor 墻壁預(yù)埋件
wall fixing plate 墻壁預(yù)埋件
wall mounting type 壁掛式
wall of well 井道墻壁
wall panel 墻壁凳,壁板
wall surface mounting 壁式安裝,壁掛式
wall tepephone 壁掛式電話
walnut 胡桃木
ward off rope device 擋繩裝置
ward-leoinard electric drive 直流發(fā)電機(jī)電動(dòng)機(jī)拖動(dòng)
warehouse 倉(cāng)庫(kù)
warning sign 警告標(biāo)志
warranty period 保修期
warrington type rope 鋼絲繩
warrington type strand 瓦靈頓式
washer 墊片
watchdog 看門(mén)狗,監(jiān)視器
watching board 監(jiān)視盤(pán)
water quench 水翠火的
waterproof 防水的
watt-hour 瓦特小時(shí)
watt-hour meter 電度表
waveform 波形
weak -current circuit 弱電電路
weak point 弱點(diǎn)
wear 磨損
wear off 磨損
wear out 磨壞
wear resistance 耐磨性
wear resisting 耐磨的
weather proof escalator 全天侯自動(dòng)扶梯
weather proof execution 全天侯施工
web 腹板
wedge 楔塊
wedge clamp 楔塊加緊
wedge guard 楔形護(hù)板
wedge shaped jaw 楔塊
wedge socket 楔形夾緊套
wedge type governor 楔塊式限速器
wedge type safety gear 楔塊式安全鉗
wedge-clamp type sagety 楔塊夾緊式安全鉗
wedge-type rope socket 楔塊繩頭組合
weighing device 稱(chēng)重裝置
weight 重量,重砣
weight closer pulley 重駝式關(guān)門(mén)滑輪
weight guard channel 重駝式保護(hù)槽
weigjht closer 重砣式關(guān)門(mén)器
weld 焊接
welder 焊機(jī),焊工
welding 焊接,焊縫
welding celctrode 電焊條
welding machine 焊槍
well 井道
well depth 井道深度
well enclosure 井道壁
well end monitoring 井道端部監(jiān)測(cè)
well entrance 井道入口,井道門(mén)
well entrance protection 井道入口保護(hù)
well equipment 井道設(shè)備
well headroom 井道頂部
well hole 井道孔
well lighting 井道照明
well multiple 多梯井道
well pit 井道底坑
well single 單梯井道
wire cross-section 線
wire glass 導(dǎo)線面積
wire rope 網(wǎng)絡(luò)玻璃,鋼絲玻璃
wire sripper 鋼絲網(wǎng)
wire tripper 電線抽頭
wireway 線路,線槽
wiring 接線
wiring diagram 接線圖,配線圖
wiring harness 把線,導(dǎo)線束
wiring inlet 導(dǎo)線入口
wiring order sheet 布線表,配線表
wiring schedule 配線表
wiring suct 電線槽
working stroke of spring 彈簧緩沖器工作行程
working-stress 工作應(yīng)力
workpirce 工件
workshop drawing 車(chē)間用圖
worm 蝸輪
worm gear 蝸齒
worm gear reducer 蝸輪減速器
worm geared machine 蝸輪蝸桿器
worm gearing 蝸輪傳動(dòng)裝置
worm reduction 蝸輪減速機(jī)
worm rim 蝸輪輪緣
worm shaft 蝸桿軸
worm wheel 蝸輪
worm wheel rim 蝸輪輪緣
wound rotor 繞線轉(zhuǎn)子
wound-rotor induction motor 繞線轉(zhuǎn)子式電動(dòng)機(jī)
wrap 纏繞
wrench 扳手
wrench hole 抱閘放松孔
wye connection 星型接法,Y型接法
X-axia X軸
X-brace 交叉支撐
X-bridge X型電橋
X-ray X射線
X-spring X型彈簧
yellow brass 黃銅
yellow demarcartion line 黃色警戒線
yield point 屈服點(diǎn)
yield strengtrh 屈服強(qiáng)度
Y-junction 星型接法,Y型接法
yoke 磁輪,架,叉
yoke contact 磁軛觸點(diǎn)
yoke distance 磁間距
Y-Y connection 雙星型連接
zeco adjuster 零位調(diào)整裝置
Zener diode 齊納二級(jí)管
zero 零,零點(diǎn)
zero beat 零差
zero check 零位檢驗(yàn)
zero point 零點(diǎn)
zoning 分區(qū)域
zoning operation 分區(qū)運(yùn)行
zoning operation at morning peak 早晨(上班)高峰
zoom-in 拉進(jìn)目標(biāo)視野
